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Unique Challenges Women Face When Trying to Lose Weight

At any given time, about 50% of people in the United States report trying to lose weight. More women than men are in this statistic. And if you’re among these women seeking weight loss, you know you face unique challenges that make the weight-loss journey more complicated. 

At Alevizos Medical, Dr. John Alevizos and our skilled team see these weight loss challenges firsthand and are prepared to help you overcome them. Read on to better understand how to address your personal challenges so you can shed pounds successfully.

Hormonal fluctuations

Women’s hormonal fluctuations affect their ability to lose weight. Your monthly hormonal changes, which result from your menstrual cycle, influence appetite, energy levels, and water retention. These fluctuations can make it harder to maintain a consistent weight-loss regimen and to see the results you want on the scale.

Perimenopause and menopause also affect women’s weight-loss efforts. This change in fertility means estrogen levels decrease. The hormonal shift can result in weight gain, particularly around the abdomen, making losing weight more challenging. 

This life change can also affect metabolism and muscle mass, further complicating weight loss efforts.

Emotional factors

Emotional and psychological factors can challenge women when they’re trying to lose weight. Women are more likely to experience emotional eating, where stress, sadness, or other emotions trigger overeating. 

Societal pressures and body image issues can also contribute to an unhealthy relationship with food and exercise, making it harder to stick to a consistent weight-loss plan.

Reproductive health

Reproductive health conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can significantly impact a woman’s weight loss efforts. PCOS is a common hormonal disorder that affects many women of reproductive age and is often associated with insulin resistance and weight gain. Managing weight with PCOS requires a personalized approach that addresses both the hormonal and metabolic aspects of the condition.

Women’s genes make it more likely that they hold weight in their buttocks, thighs, and pelvic area – to support pregnancy. But, this weight can be stubborn to lose.

Social and environmental factors

Women often juggle multiple roles and responsibilities, including work, childcare, and household management. These demands can leave little time for self-care and regular exercise. Additionally, social events and family obligations may present frequent temptations and challenges to maintaining a healthy diet.

How a woman can succeed in losing weight

We offer effective strategies to help you achieve your weight loss goals despite these challenges. We develop a personalized plan that addresses any hormonal fluctuations and lifestyle issues. We provide hormone therapy to balance imbalances that may be standing in the way of weight loss. 

We make nutritional and exercise recommendations and support you in implementing the hCG diet, which consists of a low-calorie diet supplemented with hCG hormone injections.

You’ll also be encouraged to incorporate stress management techniques such as yoga, meditation, or mindfulness to help reduce emotional eating and support overall well-being.

We offer weight-loss medications, like phentermine, when you need help with appetite control to better control your portion sizes. 

If you’re struggling with weight loss, don’t hesitate to call Alevizos Medical in Irvine, California. Call today or use this site to book an appointment.


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