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Myths and Facts About Hormone Replacement Therapy That Every Woman Should Know

Myths and Facts About Hormone Replacement Therapy That Every Woman Should Know

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be a valuable tool for managing menopausal symptoms in women and reversing low testosterone levels in men. It involves the administration of hormones, typically estrogen and progesterone for females or testosterone for males, to ease symptoms like hot flashes, vaginal dryness, erectile dysfunction, and low energy. 

HRT can also help prevent bone loss and reduce a woman’s risk of osteoporosis. 

At Alevizos Medical, we customize therapy to restore your natural hormone levels and improve your overall quality of life.

While HRT may not be appropriate for all patients, it can be beneficial for people struggling with symptoms of hormone imbalance. Our experienced provider, John G. Alevizos, DO, is committed to your health and well-being. He customizes your HRT therapy so you feel better and have positive long-term health.

Here are some of the common myths that surround HRT and the facts that debunk them. Understanding these can help you determine if HRT is right for you.

Myth 1: HRT is only for women going through menopause

Fact: While you may associate HRT with women managing menopausal symptoms, it can also be a life-changing therapy for men. In men, HRT typically involves testosterone replacement to treat conditions such as hypogonadism and low testosterone (low T). HRT can help improve energy levels, mood, muscle mass, and bone density in men.

Most people associate HRT with menopause. But women may also benefit if they’re going through other hormonal imbalances. Some women may choose HRT if they have premature ovarian failure or surgical menopause (after the removal of ovaries). Dr. Alevizos may recommend HRT to help women manage symptoms and support overall health.

Myth 2: HRT is only for severe menopausal symptoms

Fact: While HRT is highly effective for managing severe menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness, it can also help women with more moderate symptoms like brain fog and mild weight gain. 

HRT can help prevent bone loss once a woman enters menopause and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, making it a valuable option for postmenopausal health maintenance.

Myth 3: HRT increases the risk of cancer

Fact: This myth stems from early studies that linked HRT to an increased risk of breast cancer. More recent research indicates that for most women, HRT offers benefits that outweigh any possible risks. 

Estrogen-only HRT has a different risk profile than combined estrogen-progestogen therapy. Dr. Alevizos evaluates each patient’s personal and family medical history to assess their specific risks and benefits.

Myth 4: HRT causes weight gain

Fact: There is no conclusive evidence that HRT causes significant weight gain. Some women may experience slight changes in weight due to fluid retention or changes in body composition, but these effects are usually minimal. Maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise can help manage minor weight fluctuations. 

For men, testosterone therapy can help body composition. Low testosterone makes it hard for men to put on muscle and increases fat gain. When your testosterone levels are balanced, your body composition improves. 

Here at Alevizos Medical, we can help you if you struggle with obesity. We offer sustainable weight-loss plans to support healthy, long-term weight loss

Myth 5: HRT is one-size-fits-all

Fact: HRT is highly individualized. We offer various forms of HRT, including pills, patches, gels, creams, injections, and vaginal rings. The type, dosage, and duration of therapy depend on your specific symptoms, health history, and preferences. We work closely with you to customize HRT to your needs.

At Alevizos Medical, we provide accurate information and personalized care. If you have questions about HRT or other aspects of your health, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Call today to schedule an appointment, or use the online tool to message our team. 

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